Bourbon, Alfort chocolate is harmony of rich taste & poor Japanese pronunciation ability

Bourbon, Alfort is harmony of rich taste & poor Japanese pronunciation ability (3) Bourbon
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Bourbon, Alfort chocolate snack’s Taste

Package of Bourbon, Alfort chocolate say “Enjoy the superb taste of chocolate & biscuit made with the finest ingredients.”

this is chocolate on the small biscuit.
It is a representative snack of Japan.
I have never met the person who dislike this snack.

Mainly the reason is its delicious combination with chocolate and biscuit.

If this snack is only biscuit or only chocolate, it’s not so special.

But this unite of two different taste, biscuit and chocolate produce incredible taste experience with a just a one dollar.

Harmony of floury and dry biscuit and moist chocolate make you crazy. You definitely lose your control after one bite.

It’s really dangerous snack.

 Appearance & Name

What is name of Bourbon, Alfort chocolate snack?

There is sailing ship picture on each piece. and package is blue. and compass picture is on the back.

and name is alfort.

There is no official announce about the name. but rumor say like this.

this snack concept is romance of exploration age. this is the reason sailing ship picture is on the snack, package color is sea blue, compass picture on the package.

and the name, “Alfort” mean port.
But nobody know which language is it.
Dose it mean really port? at least, google cannot designate which language it is.

They want to name it Port.

Port is gathering sailing ship around the world.
Something meet at the port.
In case of this snack, chocolate and biscuit meet.
so this is named alfort that means port.
but nobody know which language is it.

It’s very mysterious.

Maybe the marketing team of this rural countryside company made a mistake.

Yes, the company, Bourbon is located, Niigata, rural area.

they want to name it “Port”, but because of their poor english pronunciation and listening ability, they spell it not port but alfort.

You could say, “There’s no way that would happen.”

but  you never know how poor Japanese people’s english is.

How can we mistake “Alfort” and “Port”?

You are right, but you never know how terrible Japanese english ability.

Anyway this unidentified name and impression of this snack is successful to give expensive foreign-made delicious snack image even though it’s only a 1 dollar or so and made by very countryside company..

Actually it is very very delicious.

Basic Data

Product Name: Alfort
Generic name: Chocolate snack
Category: snack
Price: JPY120- (You can check your country currency value by currency converter of within this site.)
Brand: Bourbon
Weight: 63
Calorie: 339kcal (34 min Jogging to burn)

Bourbon, Alfort is harmony of rich taste & poor Japanese pronunciation ability (8)Bourbon, Alfort is harmony of rich taste & poor Japanese pronunciation ability (7)Bourbon, Alfort is harmony of rich taste & poor Japanese pronunciation ability (6)Bourbon, Alfort is harmony of rich taste & poor Japanese pronunciation ability (5)Bourbon, Alfort is harmony of rich taste & poor Japanese pronunciation ability (4)Bourbon, Alfort is harmony of rich taste & poor Japanese pronunciation ability (3)Bourbon, Alfort is harmony of rich taste & poor Japanese pronunciation ability (2)Bourbon, Alfort is harmony of rich taste & poor Japanese pronunciation ability (1)


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