Instant noodle Instant noodle, Beef solt taste soup & RAW-TYPE feeling noodle, “Menshokunin” by NISSIN Dried noodle but raw-type feeling noodle This name, "Menshokunin" means that noodle draft man in English. it means that ... 2014.10.21 Instant noodleNISSINUCC
Bourbon Bourbon, Alfort chocolate is harmony of rich taste & poor Japanese pronunciation ability Bourbon, Alfort chocolate snack's Taste Package of Bourbon, Alfort chocolate say "Enjoy the superb taste of chocolate & ... 2014.08.05 BourbonChocolate snackSnackUCC
Ice cream PINO is starred in Star wars? delicious secret of popular Japanese ice cream Popular and delicious ice cream in Japan Pino is one of the most popular ice cream in Japan. Yes, it's popular Japanese ... 2014.05.29 Ice creamMorinagaSnack
Instant noodle Taiwan ramen noodle is Japanese food? Maniac Nagoya taste Instant noodle. Taiwan ramen noodle is Japanese food? political problem? If you don't know Japanese language, you think this is one of J... 2014.04.16 Instant noodleMyojo
Instant noodle Maruchan’s master piece, “Midori no Tanuki” is Soba noodle with tempura In Japan, Maruchan’s representative work is not Ramen In Japan, if we hear the name of Maruchan, all people remind of “A... 2014.04.10 Instant noodleMaruchan (Toyo suisan)Snack
Arare Cheese Arare, Microsoft like, this best selling snack is result of management’s rationalization, maybe. Bad design less than microsoft package This snack is one of the master piece of Japanese cheap snack. Almost all Japanes... 2014.03.31 ArareNakamura seikaRice crackerSnack
Karintou Poop? NO! karinto krisps is Japanese traditional sweet snack. high class, historical sweet I noticed karinto krisps is bad looks in toilet Sometimes I eat snack while I do elimination. But it's not so many times... 2014.03.27 KarintouSnack
Chocolate snack CHOCO BABY is not for adult who want to eat choco a lot, even though it’s delicious This name of chocolate snack is "Choco baby". This is chocolate snack. In this plastic package, there is small grain sh... 2014.03.26 Chocolate snackMeiji seikaSnack
Instant noodle Potato chip, “chikin ramen” taste. Just eat “chikin ramen” instead to eat “chikin ramen” taste potato chip Only stupid buy this potato chip Potato chip is famous for unhealthy foods. It use too much oil, and very salty. But str... 2014.03.25 Instant noodleKoikeyaNISSINPotato chipsSnack
Instant noodle Eat Maruchan curry udon noodle (pig meat include) instead to go to Sanchouan restaurant at Waseda Name of this instant noodle. What is this name, "Kuroi buta curry udon"? kuroi = black > it's a theme color of this inst... 2014.03.24 Instant noodleMaruchan (Toyo suisan)
Drink UCC The Coffee, Satou Zero (Non sugar), with NISSAN Z car pull back toy cars Product name: UCC The Coffee Satou Zero (Non sugar) UCC is name of this company, "Ueshima Coffee Co.,Ltd." and product n... 2014.03.17 DrinkUCC
Chocolate snack Langue de chat, Match taste Meiji Horn like expensive Chinese BURBERRY shirts Stupid naming and confusing concept Package says this is “Langue de chat”, that is French cookie. It means Cat tongue. L... 2014.03.12 Chocolate snacklangue de chatMeiji seikaSnack