Hi, this is MasaManiA who create this page, JapFoodOnline.com.
If you are looking for Sushi information, it’s difficult to find out Sushi information in this web site because I don’t got to eat Sushi so often. Of course I like Sushi because it’s very deliciou and it’s very healthy and very fresh. But sadly it’s very very expensive (even though it’s small piece). so I just only go to eat sushi when I win a lottery.
As a middle class Japanese who don’t have so much money, I must find out reasonable price food to enjoy every day eats life. And I am human, I also want to eat deliciou food. Yes, I keep hunting for cheap delicious Japanese food every day. I really make effort to find out cheap & delicious food between this paradoxical.
I am very good guy so I share my cheap & delicious Japanese food information with you who hope to enjoy Japanese food with little money. some day I will get Nobel food prize by this my humanitarian Japanese food activity.
Yes, you can enjoy Japanese food more delicious and more cheaper than Sushi in this web page.
This web page must be for you.